Terminal Illness Research Paper

Words: 1683
Pages: 7

My topic I decided to look further in to be people being diagnosed with a terminal illness and the impact the person’s decisions on end of life choices is. Finding out how they feel about having a terminal illness and why ending their life is most beneficial for them. Also looking at the grieving state of the caregivers and how it affects them. Some problems for this topic will be looking for the difficulties for the family and the impact it has on them and if they have any input in the choice their family member makes. I will also look at the impact of the patient themselves. Having the struggle to choice what they wanted to do and how it will affect their families. Figuring out, if they would use physician’s assistance or, if
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This medicine is a narcotic analgesic. Another concept is end of life care, in medicine, nursing and the allied health professions, end-of-life care refers to health care, not only of patients in the final hours or days of their lives, but more broadly care of all those with a terminal illness or terminal disease condition that has become advanced, progressive and incurable. Along with these turns emotional terms come in to play like Shock, a sudden upsetting or surprising event or experience or, Anger, a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility, also having sadness feeling or showing sorrow; unhappy. All of these definitions have to do with some part of a terminal illness and through my research and all of these definitions have come up multiple …show more content…
“Lesch-Nyhan syndrome is a painful terminal illness. Most people who are suffering from Lesch-Nyhan syndrome die due to kidney failure.” (quote) Heart Disease, Cancer Disease: Terminal Illness support is indispensable for patients with Terminal Cancer, Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, and Pancreatic Cancer. These are the top five terminal illnesses that are worldwide right now.
Although there are many other diseases that can cause death, these diseases cannot be cured with medication like others. The current discussion about terminal illness and choosing end of life care is how it is not a quick process and how it could take months for the patient to figure out what exactly their plan was. In some studies, it showed that some people died before they could even figure out what their end of life care would be. Arguments were made that people should not use physician’s assistants especially because it is only legal in some states, they stated that they see it as committing suicide and that shouldn’t be the way the patient dies. “In most states, releasing or communicating about physician’s assistant can become part of felony and known as a first degree murder”