“The Addams Family” originated as a cartoon in the 1930’s and since then, has been adapted in a plethora of productions including popular television shows, films, and most recently, a hit Broadway musical. Based on the original cartoons, the musical debuted on Broadway in 2010 created by Marshall Brickman and Rick Elice with lyrics penned by Andrew Lippa. The kooky comedy follows the surprisingly normal problems of the notoriously unconventional Addams Family. With struggling relationships, secrets, and crossbows, what could possibly go wrong with a game of “Full Disclosure” around the dinner table?
Outfitted in meticulously detailed chalky costumes from numerous eras in history the ensemble, as the ancestors, gave their deceased characters an immense amount of vitality by creating zany comedic moments with their expressive physicality. …show more content…
Specifically, Lauren Bishop and Jacob Fischer as Morticia and Gomez Addams, conveyed the couples love with equal parts Victorian flirtatiousness and passion as exemplified in the number “Tango de Amor”. The sultry and romantic dance they shared demonstrated Morticia’s seductive and melodramatic disposition as well as Gomez’s admiration for his wife leaving the audience in booming applause. Although the pair was quite the dynamic duo, they also shone apart. Bishop’s sonorous voice was beautifully showcased in the songs “Secrets” and “Just Around the Corner”, while Fischer exhibited impeccable comedic timing in “Two Things” as well as profound depth in “Wednesday’s Growing Up” and “Happy