Some citizens think that a college education does not help increase how much money they make, but according to the National Center for Education Statistics this is a false statement. “In 2013, median earnings for full-time year-round working adults ages 25-34 with a bachelor’s degree were $48,500, while the median was $23,900 for those without a high school diploma or its equivalent, $30,000 for those with a high school diploma or its equivalent, and $37,500 for those with an associate’s degree.” To put it bluntly a college degree is known for helping the graduate receive a higher pay than what an average citizen would make. It seems fair to give whoever has a more sophisticated resume a job because the citizen applying needs to have certain requirements that may only be available to those who have gone to a four year college plan. The American Dream is about providing for yourself and if so a …show more content…
These schools are mostly colleges because some schools provide a no loan rule, where the student has to rely on getting a scholarship, or financial aid. For many people choosing to go to college is an investment (“The Best Colleges” 2). Americans spend lots of time and money when choosing the college they wish to go to. They have to receive loans and even spend most of their free time working, so they are able to pay of their college bills. The good thing about loans is that it gives the student enough money to go to school, then the student has to gradually pay back the loan. This allows for the American Dream to become more accessible because the student is able to go to the school of their choice, and they are able to pay back the money owed over a long period of time instead of all at once. “And so The Best Colleges awarded colleges with low tuition, generous financial aid, and a track record of graduating students who go on to make a good living” (“The Best Colleges” 3). When adults graduate from college they mostly refer to themselves as broke college students, or broke college graduates. It is unfortunate to say that what they say is true. The reason for this is because the college