The Argumentative Essay: The Sport Of Football

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Pages: 2

This sport is towards the top of the list for one of America’s most infamous pastimes, right beside baseball, hot dogs and apple pie. It has been said that championship game of this sport should be a national recognized holiday because it is celebrated by so many across the nation. This well known, huge, extremely wonderful sport know as football has been shown to cause well known, huge, extremely dangerous long lasting, life altering brain injuries.
I have had the opportunity to play football in a peewee league, middle school, high school and college. I would have loved to go to the NFL if given the opportunity. In the game of football there are all kinds of pads and padding to help the players remain safe. We are protected from head to toe, however this does not make the sport completely safe or injury free.
I can remember starting out, it was very safe and easy because we were protected by rules and regulations on how the game needed to be played. I can also remember as time went by and I moved up in age and moved up in different leagues the hits got harder and more intense. The workouts was more detailed and longer.
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This degenerative disease which afflicts the brain of people who have suffered repeated concussions and traumatic brain injuries, such as athletes who take part in contact sports. The brain deteriorates and will over time end up losing mass. Certain areas of the brain are particularly liable to atrophy, though other areas are prone to becoming enlarged. Another aspect of CTE is that some areas of the brain experience an accumulation of tau protein, a substance which serves to stabilize cellular structure in the neurons but which may become defective and subsequently may cause major interference with the function of the neurons. (Reference: Chronic traumatic encephalopathy. Alzheimer's Association. Accessed Feb. 1,