The Christian Atheist Chapter Summaries

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Pages: 4

This book has changed the way I look at giving, praying and my life in general. There was so much that I got out of 'The Christian Atheist'. This book explained what being a Christian atheist is, and a Christian atheist is saying that you are a Christian and you pretty much believe in Jesus, but then you go and live life just like the unbelievers do.

The first thing that jumped out at me was when Craig Groeschel was talking about prayer. That God does not care if our prayers are long, beautiful or eloquent. In fact in Matthew, Jesus tells us not to 'stand in front of everyone and be showy in our prayers like the hypocrites do or babble on like the pagans do.'

Be he wants to pray in this outline,

First, you praise and worship God. Then, you pray for his will; next, you
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God wants us to pray honestly to him. Our prayers should not be centered on us and on what God can give to us. But it should be centered on God. And his will for our life's.

The next thing that Groeschel went over that I really liked was in chapter ten when he was talking about money. He goes into talking about how money has a hold on most of Christian atheists heart's. First of all, it is the number one competitor for our hearts. Not saying that money is evil, because it is not. Money is amoral. Meaning, it can be used for good and evil intentions. So the money part of it is not all that bad. But the love of money is what takes our hearts and turns them away from God. That’s how it becomes our god.

We depend on money to take care of our needs and wants, like money can provide for us, or something. The bible even warns us not to fall into the pit of loving money. In first Timothy, Paul warns Timothy that a lot of the believers are falling from the faith because of their love of money. The bible says that it is also the root of all evil, the love of money is. It leads us to misuse the things of