The Controversy Of Banning Books

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Over the past few years, people have been saying certain books should be banned due to strong language and references. With books having strong language against certain people, those books teach people how life was previously. Banning books is not good for the education system. In libraries they are also banning books due to many different races and gender orientations entering the library. It is important to know why books should not be banned to see the historical purpose. It is also necessary to have diverse cultural books. There are many different kinds of books that help show history over time. “Historians date censorship back all the way to the earliest appearance of written materials. Ancient Chinese emperor Shih Huang Ti began eliminating …show more content…
The reason the book gets banned is due to the strong language and sensitive topics. Some books help people learn about the past, such as during World War II. ““The Hate U Give” by Angie Thomas, a novel about a Black teenager witnessing a police shooting and the ensuing impact on the predominantly white community. “The Kite Runner” by Khaled Hosseini, a novel about two men growing up in Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion and rise of the Taliban regime. “The Diary of Anne Frank” by Anne Frank, the nonfiction account of a young Jewish girl forced into hiding in the Netherlands during the Nazi occupation” (Rice). Book bans are causing people to read more censored versions of history. Along with books affecting the teaching of history, it also affects people overall. Banning books has affected authors, schools, and libraries tremendously. “Book bans in the 2022–23 school year affected the works of more than 1,480 creative people—1,207 authors, 268 illustrators, and 14 translators” (Pen America). With books being banned, it has affected authors ability to write books that will get approved then not banned later. Most of the books being banned are young adult