The Controversy Over Congressional Term Limit

Words: 647
Pages: 3

Congressional term limits are a highly debated topic in American politics. Many people believe that Congress members need to have limited terms to prevent an uncontrollable federal government. On the other hand, many propose that limiting congressional term limits prevents congressional members from being able to address policy issues in depth. Regardless of how one feels, several different factors can contribute to why congressional term limits should or shouldn’t be implemented. The United States Congress currently has no term limits on its members, therefore leaving members to be able to serve for as long as they choose once they have been elected. One great example of this is well-known United States Representative Nancy Pelosi, who has represented the state of California in Congress for …show more content…
Many feel that congressional members have become “career politicians” over time and are no longer suited to address today's issues that are just as important as ever. Looking at it from another perspective, congressional term limits can also encourage greater citizen participation in the government. By ensuring the regular turnover of congressional seats, term limits would ensure that citizens from all different backgrounds and professions would run for office. This too would lead to congress members that are more representative of the people’s current wishes. Lastly, one other proposed benefit of congressional term limits is that term limits will decrease the mass influence of lobbyists and special interest groups who have a great amount of power in our current political system. By ensuring regular changeover of congressional members, congressional term limits would prevent lobbyists from forming persuasive relationships with long-time serving career