The Dred Scott Case

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Pages: 4

After the Civil War one of the most monumental moments in America happened. The beginning of reconstructing America was taking place. The main part of this reconstruction on America was to give slaves their freedom back. There were a bunch of arguments, debates, and leaders that fought along and against the slaves. About ten years before the beginning of reconstruction the Dred Scott case was held, and it meant that any blacks whether they were free or slaves couldn’t become citizens of the United States. There was definitely a lot of fighting over who was allowed to be an American and who wasn’t. It was just a much different time in America when freedom and equality didn’t come free. Some people consider the reconstruction a major success …show more content…
There was the Emancipation Proclamation that was issued by President Abraham Lincoln. Which was an order that helped slaves in becoming free. If you could get out of the grasp of the confederate government you would be considered free. Sadly Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. Then Andrew Johnson took over, and continued on what Lincoln started. Later on giving all the power to the white man. He was following Lincolns plans for the most part of the reconstruction, but people started getting aggravated saying he wasn’t paying enough attention to the rights of …show more content…
Searching here and there to find a brother, sister, or parents. Some of the slaves could finally marry one another and it is legal. They could go to the actual church and be married. Most black people were working now making decent pay and some were even making it up to the middle class. “The per capita income of blacks (when the material benefits of slavery are counted as income) rose 46 percent between 1857 and 1879, while the per capita income of whites declined 35 percent. African Americans were also able to work less than they had under slavery”. (Brinkley, pg. 365) After being free the blacks started to become a lot like the whites in a way of the men had most of the power. For the black women and children they didn’t do very many labor jobs like working in the field. That was for the husband and he worked a lot less hours and got paid a lot more to do it now. The women were now primarily domestic servants, took care of their kids, and took in laundry. The laundry wasn’t coming from white families because they were forced to, but because now it was a paying job. The new south that had become completely turned around. As in now becoming free where white and black people had the same rights. Some of the black people were in the middle class, with nice jobs, living in nice homes, running their own businesses. Most of the blacks started to see the importance in education. As the generations went