The Ethics Of Animal Cloning

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Pages: 4

If you had a chance to possibly replace an organ, bring back an extinct, endangered animal species would you do it, or help further medical science? Cloning is the process of creating an identical artificially cloned species by using their DNA and embryonic cells. The ethics of cloning has been controversy since the first famous success of a successful cloning of a sheep named Dolly which was recorded in 1997. Especially now with the most recent one now being the successful cloning of two Macaque Monkeys that were cloned in 2018. What was originally thought to be impossible to do has been proven wrong and this made society starting to question if scientist would clone humans next and how dare science tries to play god. Like most procedures …show more content…
There have been many reports of scientist being able to create organs from using stem cells creating an artificial organ using someone's DNA. The only major downside it is still in testing phase and very costly at the moment. The only cheaper method at the moment is to clone a pig that would have a cloned human organ inside it, then harvest the needed cloned organ from it. Which has been done by scientist in China. The reason a pig is used in this process besides for cost is due to the fact pigs are similar to humans because they have a similar metabolism and size. The only transplant done from a modified pig clone transplant has been on moneys which have shown to live an extended amount of time and sometimes years after the transplant example of one being a baboon that survived nearly three years after getting a transplant. This proves that it works since monkeys and baboons share the same DNA with humans. The only thing that is stopping it is the Chinese scientist waiting for their governments to green light the clinical trials of using modified cloned pig. Which, is a shame. Imagine if your family member or someone you knew deeply could get an organ transplant but couldn't due the government not approving it yet even though it has proven to …show more content…
There are many animal species that are close to being extinct now due to change in the ecosystem from humans that are responsible for habit loss and climate change though some don’t believe climate change. Regardless if too many animals become extinct it will affect the food chain. The effects being animals dying from starvation due to animal species no longer existing and an animal species would over popular due to the animal species that normally hunts now being extinct. Humanity however can redeem themselves from this possible crisis happening we have proven to be able to clone many animal species and it is being considered a possibility by scientist as a way to prevent more species from going extinct. As well as there being many animal species close to extinction there are many animal species that have been extinct for a millennium that science can learn accurately how they lived from cloning them. Only major downside is yes we would have to fix the original endangered animals' habit or restore it possible and have more laws to prevent people from destroying the environment especially to prevent loop