Amanda is constantly trying to have control over her children’s whereabouts through out the play. Amanda is regularly bombarding Tom with commands on how to cope with daily task. In the beginning of the first scene she is reminding Tom how to eat properly .” Honey, don’t push with your fingers. If you have to push with something, the thing to push with is a crust of bread. And chew- chew! (1383, sc. 5). This shows the reader that Tom is unable to be a grown man the way he wants to with his mother trying to tell him how to eat. Tom who is unhappy where is and tried of trying to satisfy his mother who is a bitter woman, because she only wants best for her children. Tom uses the movies to escape from his unhappy life and seeks adventure. “I go to the movies because- I like adventure. Adventure is something I don’t have much of at work, so I go to the movies. Tom you go to the movies entirely too much! I like a lot of adventure”( 1396; sc. 70). Again, this shows in the eyes of his mother he is unable to make decision of what is