New Testament Survey
Mrs. Nemes
April 20, 2015
The Great Commission
The Great Commission is the last instruction personally given to the apostles by Jesus Christ. While only delivered to the eleven apostles, the Great Commission is an instruction and message for all Christians to follow and live by. By the Commission, all Christians are to believe and have faith in Jesus Christ as the son of God and affirm their faith by sharing with all people the truth and story of His salvation.
The apostles did this by going out into the world preaching and teaching the story of salvation through Jesus and baptizing those who were saved. The apostles didn’t just reach out to non-believers to be converted. They also took the time to continue the teaching and to support those who already believed in salvation through Jesus Christ. In doing so, the apostles were able to train others to be leaders who could support and minister to their communities and other people of the world.
The ministries of the apostles would not have been an easy job to take and Jesus took care to warn them of the hard times they would face. In addition to this warning, Jesus made sure to comfort and reassure the apostles by telling them he would always be with them. As the apostles encountered hard times, they were able to get through and fulfill their part in the commission by remembering that they were not alone. Again, the instruction given by Jesus should be for all Christian followers. As Christians, we are all responsible for reaching out, spreading the word to others and maintaining our own faith. It is not enough to just believe that Jesus Christ