From the business practices of Yahoo and Google, we can also see that organizational culture will play an increasingly important role in the future workplace. Organizational change includes not only changing structures and processes, but also changing the corporate culture (Management library, 2012). Sometimes organizational change efforts are failed because of lack of understanding about the strong role of culture and the role it plays in organizations. The reason why Yahoo went to great length to end the telecommuting was because it expected to quickly change an organizational culture that supports the development of its business strategies. On the other hand, Google’s success mostly contributed by its open and democratic organizational culture and its positive corporate climate filled with creativeness and innovation. It is not difficult to see that organizations will place as much emphasis on identifying strategic values as they do mission and vision. It is also worth to mention that Yahoo and Google’s organizational change efforts may not fit for every organization. The culture in each organization is different and dependent on many factors. A company wants to sustain its business performance needs to design the tailored interventions based on its own environment, resources and desired outcomes.
Moreover, from the above organizational changes, we will see new leadership competency model will be widely used in the workplace. Today leader’s competency model is no longer only center on those core managerial competencies but how to identify and promote talents. In most of the successful companies like Google, corporate leaders understand the importance of talent management, and recognize that talent management strategies can help the organization grow and reach its business goals. It can be foreseen that the topic of talent management will continually be presented as a substantial part of leader’s job responsibilities and be evaluated through performance appraisal process. Organization will encourage managers to assess talent, identify key employees early, provide constructive feedback and coaching, as well as to lead by example.
In future workplace, more Career Development Programs will be in place in the organization. These programs are aim to support the managers develop their subordinates who recognized as talents. For instance, the Individual Development Plan is a newly developed career development tool in