The Importance Of Animal Testing In Canada

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The use of animals for testing cosmetic ingredients and chemicals in Canada
Imagine your pet being used for testing products, knowing that it is suffering and dying horribly just for the sake of a new lipstick color. It is not only a handful, but hundreds of animals suffer just for a “better” product even though it is not a necessity for our survival. Rabbits, birds, mice and even human’s best friend, cats and dogs, are being used to test many products before being available to the Canadian market. In Canada, animal testing is not required for cosmetics, yet it is still being practiced by many companies. Therefore, Canada should ban animal testing for cosmetic products and ingredients because it is unnecessary and cruel. The reason for this
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There have been safe and effective tests conducted on animals and but later failed on human tests, which proves that using data retrieved from animals to conclude how humans react to them is unreliable. “92% of drugs passed by animal tests immediately fail when first tried on humans” (Peta2). As you can see, animal testing is not as reliable and accurate and the products can be dangerous to humans if not properly tested. In addition, different kinds of animals can react differently to chemicals and drugs because their structure and anatomy differ from one another, which make it even harder to relate the data received from the animals to humans and achieve accurate and dependable results. Human patients have suffered life threatening side effects from the drug TGN1412, which didn’t show any effects to the animals that were tested on (Planet Science). A researcher has shown that. “Less than 2% of human illnesses (1.16%) are ever seen in animals. Over 98% never affect animals” (Peta2). Altogether, experimenting on animals seems like a practice that’s useless because in the end researchers are finding ingredients and chemicals that do not affect humans but animals since humans and animals differ from one another making the results from animals hard to relate to …show more content…
But there are a lot of cosmetic companies such as LUSH, Anastasia Beverly hills’ and Too Faced that are a few of many high end and high quality cosmetic companies that create top rated products that do not test on animals, which you can support. All in all, animals and humans will not respond exactly the same way to chemicals, and there are alternative methods out there, other than animal testing, therefore the use of animals for testing cosmetic ingredients should be illegal in Canada. Europe, the world’s largest cosmetic creators have already banned animal testing and still create and improve effective cosmetics (Peta). If there are countries out there that do not use animal testing for cosmetics so can Canada. Imagine being taken away from your family, forced when to eat, sleep, wake up and talk. Imagine being closed in a cell for not committing a crime, having toxic chemicals rubbed on your open wounds and into your eyes knowing that there are other ways to test the new mascara safety and effectiveness instead of suffering. In Canada, the year 2011, 3.33 million animals have been used for experiments (Peta). All of those animals’ lives have been taken away for nothing. What makes the lives of animal less significant than the lives of