instructions provide guidance on how to accomplish tasks effectively. By following them, you increase the chance of achieving desired outcomes.The efficiency of instructions helps the process go a lot smoother, saving time and resources. Following them ensures the best possible outcome of the task. If not followed, you could have further punishments whether they are necessary or not and have severe consequences. Following instructions can have an influence on those around you, allowing you to have…
Words 509 - Pages 3
The importance of following orders in a time of war. 1. Team member 2. Discipline 3. Causalities Conclusion: Following Orders in the Armed Services in a Time of War By: Pv2 Beasley Imagine being in an authoritative position in a war. Sounds cool right? Now imagine if your subordinates didn’t follow the orders you put out to them…
Words 1062 - Pages 5
planning B) Explain importance of planning Ans.Definition of Planning Planning can be defined as a basic management function which enables one to select the purpose of the business, and how the resources should be mustered to achieve that purpose to include using the available resources optimally to do that. Planning implies goal setting for the organisation keeping in mind the constraints, opportunities Importance of Planning Planning is important for the following reasons: It helps…
Words 707 - Pages 3
the people start to rebel and violence is the end result. Jerome Laurence and Robert E Lee demonstrate the importance of being tolerant of others in their novel Inherit the Wind specifically through Brady’s ignorant hypocrisy Drummonds respect of others and Rachel's changing views throughout the play. Brady's ignorant hypocrisy throughout the play of Inherit the Wind demonstrate the importance of being tolerant of others beliefs. When Drummond was questioning Brady about his beliefs Brady didn’t fully…
Words 866 - Pages 4
Equal Pay Act of 1963 was passed 7. Which of the following observations is correct? 8. Which of the following would you associate with managingdiversity? 9. "To be the world's best quick-service restaurant" is an example of what? 10. _________ is a job analysis method that lists tasks or behaviors andinvolves workers rating each task or behavior in terms of whetheror not it is performed. If the task is performed, workers also ratethe frequency, importance, level of difficulty, and relationship tooverall…
Words 561 - Pages 3
are grouped into six sets: • creating a vision, • developing followership, • implementing a vision, • following through, • achieving results, and • team playing. Creating a vision and developing followership are leadership-oriented behaviors; they are about figuring out where the organization is headed and getting people moving in that direction. Implementing a vision, following through, and achieving results are about implementing the vision; they are more management- oriented behaviors…
Words 610 - Pages 3
"solve" problems. I did however, understand the high level of importance that comes with preparing our children in an attempt to keep them safe. I can imagine that if I were a child during that time I would have felt the urgency and done my best to prepare myself for my survival. Growing up I remember learning to be safe in case of an earthquake, tornado, or even a fire. I was really good at understanding the importance of following directions about these possible dangers. I felt that the idea of "ducking…
Words 354 - Pages 2
With this understanding, it makes sense to choose an icebreaker that is in alignment with the climate of the meeting. An ice breaker or team building exercise could send a wrong message. The unintended message could send the meeting in a different direction. Therefore, it makes sense to spend the time to choose the proper meeting icebreaker. Learning Objectives -- Some trainers and team facilitators prefer using either a meeting ice breaker or team building exercise focused on the learning objectives…
Words 954 - Pages 4
Military discipline and effectiveness is built on the foundation of obedience to orders. Recruits are taught to obey, immediately and without question, orders from their superiors, right from day-one of boot camp. Which is why we work so well by following orders from the more experienced leaders who have been doing this for years. We have plenty of obedience in Charlie company and I feel it is one of the best units I have been in. It has made me want to persue a carreer in the military and I no rules…
Words 5557 - Pages 23
the same: judgment, distraction, and then a lack of reminders. Whenever the brain first receives information of any kind, it has to immediately make a judgment call on its importance. Because the brain has limited capacity, this call must be made with extreme scrutiny, and involves demoting another item to lesser importance. Items that are demoted or deemed less important are thought about less. They become the first things to be forgotten if need be, and are given little to no attention. This is…
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