I would rather my government manipulating me rather than have a bombing at a local hospital or mall. The government has the duty to monitor internet content which it supports. This includes schools and government facilities as well as all devices which they provide to either students or employees. Only the law enforcing departments of the U.S. government should have any ability to spy on the American people, they have a job to do and that is to keep the people safe. As terrorism is a modern day threat against the American people and their rights, monitoring the people seems like a lesser of two evils. A big argument against monitoring the American people is the fact that anything about anyone can be tracked, categorized and given a threat level. This is a lot of power to be granted to anybody, a prediction for the next election could be the least of America_Ñés problems. The amount of information that is stored if used by an enemy of the country, could take down any official and send our government spiraling with mass assassinations. That idea in particular seems a bit far fetched however, it is still a