I have decided to work harder, with a smile on my face, and be a positive force for my team. After working hard and putting all that time in, I proved to myself that being met with tough obstacles has allowed me to find the strength within myself to keep pushing forward and putting forth one hundred percent effort. My desire to succeed is and will be stronger that roadblocks in my path. All of this has taught me to go after my goals with full force. I now strive to apply perseverance to not just basketball; but, everything else that I do in my life. Whether it is athletic training, 4H, school, student council, or just in life in general, I believe that these experiences have helped me to become a well-rounded individual that will prepare me for college and beyond. I have worked to be the best that I can be, and am proud with how I now carry myself through all my activities that I participate in. My hope is that I am setting a good example for others to find themselves and grow no matter the circumstances and persevere to make the best of every