The Jonbenet Ramsey Case

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Pages: 7

The JonBenet Ramsey case is one of the most wildly publicized and most talked about cases in America, even after 20 years. Also being known as one of the most famous murder cases in America. In 2016 JonBenet would have been 26 years old, being that she was six years old at the time of her death, when she was found murdered in her home in Boulder, Colorado in 1996. JonBenet's body was found in a loft like area in her basement by her father approximately 8 hours after her mother had reported her missing. Usually when a child or person is reported missing parents and loved ones search the entire home for any possible sign of that child, or maybe even forced entry. In this case Patsy and John Ramsey found their daughter in their basement 8 hours …show more content…
After reporting her missing and realizing how long it took for authorities to be contacted investigators realized that did not add up, not only that but the place where JonBenet’s body was found, there was little no evidence that there could have been a break in, which ultimately left the Ramsey family under suspicion. Naturally any parent who believes their child to be missing would search every part of the house for any signs of foul play. The largest reason that this case in particular is still unsolved is due to the crime scene being compromised. Anytime there has been a murder or homicide committed it is the responsibility of the first responders to make sure that, that crime scene is closely guarded, documenting anyone who enters or leaves as well making sure that anyone involved is kept away. According to reports the crime scene was not sealed off properly. The Ramsey family was allowed to enter in and out of their home, along with friends and family. That error alone could have allowed for anyone to tamper with evidence or even cross contaminate …show more content…
Officer Rick French was the first officer on the scene, after Patsy Ramsey made that frantic 911 call to police a little after 6 a.m. After arriving at the scene one of the first discoveries made by officer French was the "Ransom note and later conducted a quick search of the the basement, he came to a door secured with a wooden latch...according to reports he paused for a moment in front of the door but walked away" (Newsweek). At the time he felt that it was of no importance initially just wanting to check to see if there were any signs of forced entry by focusing his attention to the windows in the basement. Surly it can be concluded that he should have opened the door, and even if he had not, Fisher should have secured of the basement as a whole until he or another officer was able to process it. That simple mistake is ultimately jeopardized the entire case. Hours into the case, and after further processing was done officers would declare this case as a kidnapping, because they were unable to find JonBents body, "it wasn't until later that day, that John Ramsey would open the door to the room and carry the body, which was under a white blanket upstairs" (Newsweek) . In fact the body was behind the door that officers failed to check. The entire area should have been off limits, and the