Piggy's weakness, just like Vincent's is more physical than mental. Ever since the boys landed on the island, Piggy was pointed out as the outcast due to his figure. Being overweight, he is immediately targeted as weak. Piggy might have not been able to provide and help out the boys with physical activities such as: getting the firewood, hunting for the beast or pigs, and getting fruit. But, everything that he wasn't able to provide physically, he was able to make up for with his specks, that once made him an outcast, but a valuable resource. Without his specks, the boys would not have been able to survive, since the they created a fire. Piggy never let any of the comments on his figure or looks bring him down. He always spoke what he believed. Even though Piggy was killed and the rest of the boys survived, he fought for his life all the way up to his death. Piggy's weaknesses lead to his death, while in Vincent and Ralph's case it helped them to