The Lottery Rhetorical Analysis

Words: 521
Pages: 3

Are you ever reading a book and all of a sudden you think, Why in the world would someone do that or say that? Well, keep reading for the answers you have been waiting for ever since you started reading. The emotions and behaviors of the characters in The Lottery can reveal a lot about their psychological state. Firstly, when the brain gets overwhelmed or any emotion occurs, we can do things we might regret or overreact to. “You didn’t give him enough time to pick up the paper he wanted. I saw you in the movie. It wasn’t fair!” said Tessie. That was an example of Tessie projecting her fears and anger onto others. When your brain gets stimulated, you get an increased systolic blood pressure, which can decrease reaction time. This is why, when we get worked up, we can say and do things we …show more content…
Next thing you know, they’ll be wanting to go back to living in caves; nobody works anymore. Live that way for a while. There used to be a saying about lottery in June: corn will be heavy soon. ”First thing you know, we’d all be eating stewed chickweed and acorns. There’s always been a lottery.” Because old man Warner had a different life than the younger people, the lottery is all he knows. From the tales, people have told him he thinks the lottery would provide good crops, but in reality, a sacrifice won't mean your crops will be good. Even though old Man Warner thinks the lottery is the right way to do things, it doesn't mean that everyone else who disagrees is wrong. Sometimes it can be hard to admit to yourself that other people are right as well, and that's why we can be defensive when others don't agree. Lastly, when we're in a group setting around people with the same beliefs or opinions, we tend to agree with them because we don't want to get judged. A great example of this is Little Davey. Most likely, he doesn't want to kill his mother with rocks, but he was influenced to do so. “The children had stones