The Outsiders Research Paper

Words: 756
Pages: 4

You would think that two groups of people would act similar, especially since they are from the same town, right? Well, no, no. Social class in society has factors like how much money you have, what side of town you’re on, and it plays a big role in how people view you. Ultimately, we shouldn't let it.

This is relevant in today's time because at school in general, typically richer people who can afford nicer things get treated better since they appear as “cooler” for having materialistic things. Social class has been around for a long time, but it was prominent in the 1960’s in the book The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. In this novel, we can gather that the main theme is social class because the conflicts in the novel are mostly between the richer west-side socs and the poor eastside greasers because they are in different social classes and it correlates to how someone would perceive them.

One way the author builds the theme of social class is
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This shows that even through stereotypes in different social classes, people think the greasers and socs are different. We can learn that under all the expectations and rules of society everyone is a real person with feelings and you shouldn’t judge someone just based on their social class. Also when Ponyboy is in the hospital he says, “A pain was growing in my throat and I wanted to cry, but greasers don't cry in front of strangers. Some of us never cry at all. Like Dally and TwoBit and Tim Shepard--- they forgot how at an early age“ (86). This shows that even though social class makes it not acceptable for greasers to be seen as emotional, they put up a front, but they are actually vulnerable and have emotions