First of all, as I watched The Patriot, there were a string of characters that I strongly liked and disliked. For instance, some characters that I enjoyed the most were Benjamin Martin and Occam the slave. I liked Benjamin Martin because he’s witty, a strong father figure, and he was able to control his anger. He also stood up for what he believed in and he overcame the torturous pro’s and con’s that towered above him. For example, Benjamin had to raise seven kids, after his wife died with only the help of his wife’s sister, and Benjamin had to protect his family, while also fighting in the Revolutionary War. …show more content…
A couple of the scene that brought me anger and malevolence were when the loyalist captain Wilkins threw the first torch onto the church filled with people trapped inside. Scenes that made me feel sorrow were in two scenes, when William Tavington killed Benjamin Martin’s oldest sons. These scenes cause me to feel sorrow because Benjamin had to watch Tomas die in front of him, and have to come back to find another one of his son's dead. One scene that cause me to feel satisfaction was when it was a simple brawl between Gabriel Martin and William Tavington. When the old man died in front of Gabriel he threw up his gun, Gabriel proceeded to catch the gun and fire a single shot at William. This scene made me feel satisfaction because William had finally got what was coming to him, and Gabriel had gotten revenge for the death of his