There were 120 questions and I cannot deny, that almost all the questions made me think a lot. After taking this test, I could rate my strengths and weakness. As per the survey results, my top strength was love followed by humor, social intelligence, hope and zest and many more. However, the qualities which ranked the bottom were humility, love of learning, forgiveness, fairness and prudence. The results were an eye opener. To work as a professional in a health care industry, I need to have updated knowledge and as a PT, it’s mandatory that I have continuing education. But, love of learning was at the bottom of the list. This is something I will have to work on. The other things I learned after taking this survey, is that, every person has unique character strengths and weakness. And once we master our character strengths and weakness, then it can have a great impact on our quality of life. It will have a positive effect on relationships, will enhance personal growth and will also help us develop as a better