They relieve labor and save the company money. The article, The Drone Invasion Now Underway by David Pogue from the CBS news, reports drones helped farmer Greg Schreiner relieve his irrigation crisis. ‘“Most of the field was green, and that was kind of brownish black…we weren’t getting water on 37 acres’’ (Schreiner, reported by Pogue). Without the use of drones, Schreiner would have lost about 37 acres of land. Besides farming, shipment can also be improved. In the near future, drones will be used to provide quick shipment and aid in natural disaster relief. DARP is in the process of developing a form of shipment to deliver packages. Not only will this decrease the carbon footprint the UPS and other mail services use, but it will aid in natural disaster relief (Palermo). ATICLE? The military has been very fond of this use. Drones are a simple way to provide quick essentials to a disaster struck area. Drones are very popular in the military for several reasons. First, they decrease military casualty and injury. This is because