Net neutrality is keeping the internet open to everyone and protecting people’s rights, such as the freedom of speech. Many people agree that “Network neutrality is the idea that all internet data should be equal” (Pogue). There is no single person in charge of the internet. The internet was created to make communication between several different computer systems at various universities and laboratories more convenient. This would allow scholars and researchers to share ideas, research, and lab results. No one was looking to control everything that passed through the system. A small group of people just wanted to do all that they could to help an even greater amount of people lead better lives. With this small step, the internet grew to new, epic proportions. With this growth, people began using the internet to make communication easier as well as …show more content…
Although the net neutrality debate has been going on for years, many people speculate that this debate is coming to a close. It would be in the best interest of the people if they learn about the net neutrality debate and pick a side to support. The decision made now will affect how net neutrality and the internet will work for years to come, and it would be better if the majority of people agree with the outcome of the net neutrality