The Role Of Hate Crimes In The United States

Words: 1338
Pages: 6

The term “hate crime” is generally known to the world as some sort of crime that was committed due to hatred. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, hate crime is defined as “the violence of intolerance and bigotry, intended to hurt and intimidate someone because of their race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation or disability” (National Crime Prevention Council, 2016, “Hate crime”, para 1). Some of the earliest hate crimes recorded in history dates back to ancient civilisations. For example, the ancient Roman Empire which is famous for persecuting many religious groups like the Muslims, Christians and others. When the empire was under the reign of Emperor Nero, “The Great Fire of Rome” which lasted for approximately a week ruined a big part of Rome. The Emperor, who felt like the guilt was pressured onto him, …show more content…
This has directly caused the occurrence of hate crimes against people of different religion in that region for the following years and generations. In recent years, hate crimes in the United States is becoming more prevalent because of people who are unable to accept different cultures and beliefs, self-esteem of people, and stereotypes.

Hate crimes can be divided into two types which is physical attacks and verbal abuses. Physical attacks can be in the form of murder, graffiti of racial remarks, arson and others while verbal attacks can be in the form of threats, judgments, insults and so on. One of the top reasons for the occurrence of hate crimes in United States is caused by people who are unable to accept others who are of different cultures