The Role Of Mental Illness In College Students

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Pages: 6

“In a survey of over 30,000 students, 28.4% stated that they had difficulty functioning due to depression, regardless of diagnosis; less than a third of these students sought out treatment (Castillo & Schwartz, 2013).” When enrolling to colleges there isn’t a lot said about the tolls that college may take on some people. For many students, college is the first time they have spent away from family for an extended period; there is also the adjusting to class schedules, workload, and the social atmosphere on any college campus. All of these changes affect mental health in some way, “28.4% of students state that they had difficulty functioning due to depression regardless of diagnosis (Castillo & Schwartz, 2013).” Mental illnesses will affect …show more content…
There are many increased risks to physical health such as obesity, poor diet, decrease in activity, or a negative side-effect of prescribed medications. These risks over a long period of time can result in the development of diabetes or cardiac disease. Despite this, many physicians when told about a decline in physical health dismisses the problem due to the patient’s mental illness (Nash, 2013). Instead of just dismissing these problems as paranoia; they need to be addressed immediately. Upon the clients’ first visitation, physical health should be addressed even if the chief complaint is mental health, due to the possibility of a physical disorder presenting similar to signs and symptoms as a mental illness (Nash, 2013). Many of these physical problems can be avoided through the use of exercise which has also been known to help increase mental …show more content…
When planning and starting a workout routine the type of exercise that is going to be done, the duration, frequency, and intensity all need to be well-thought-out. Remember not to have impossible expectations when starting a workout routine, if once upon a time you were on the track team in high school that does not mean that your body has maintained that physic. If impossible expectations are set before starting to exercise, then upon finishing the exercise you will be disappointed with the inability reach those unrealistic goals. As a result the continuation of an exercise routine becomes difficult, and the likeliness of success decreases. Always take into consideration your body’s physical capabilities. Then think of a time of day to exercise. Working out in the morning is a great way to start the day; it will help clear the mind, and allows time to plan out the day. An afternoon workout provides a break from work and allows you to return refreshed and focused. Exercise in the evening provides a transition from work mode to home mode. Know it is time to think of a type of exercise that is found interesting and will be enjoyed. There are many different forms of exercise; those that focus on calming the mind and relaxing the body such as Tai Chi or yoga, both of which improve stress levels and work to relax the muscles. Another type of exercise referred to as Green exercise, physical activity in a natural setting, helps to reduce stress and