Essay on The Sea and its Resources

Submitted By Jeremy-Uy
Words: 660
Pages: 3

centercenterthe sea and its resources
Jeremy Uy 9VAP
8820090900the sea and its resources
Jeremy Uy 9VAP

Kaimoana means seafood or shellfish tangaroa Tangaroa is the god of the sea and fish. Tangaroa was one of the offspring of Rangi-nui and Papa-tū-ā-nuku and fled to the sea when his parents were separated. It was important for fishermen to stay in favour with Tangaroa. rahui Traditionally, a rahui was placed on an area or stretch of water as a conservation measure or as a means of control for reasons like preventing pollution or overfishing in the area. koha A koha is a gift, present, offering or donation – especially one maintaining social relationships. tikanga A tikanga is a correct procedure, custom, method, meaning plan, practice. traditional Marine resources used by maori center178435000Many species of fish were caught on the nets and shellfish like mussels, paua, pupu and pipi were gathered from the shore. Other seafood includes eel and whitebait taken from inland waters. Shellfish, rock lobster, octopus, lampreys, and freshwater eels were caught by hand seafood and its importance to traditional maori center176212500Seafood was important in the traditional diet and it is still important today. Seafood was the main source of animal protein, fats, vitamins and minerals, Seafood was also used in social occasions as it demonstrated hospitality and generosity. marine resources other than food
To Maori, paua are recognised treasure and as a valued resource for traditional arts and crafts. Paua are used to represent the eyes in Maori carvings and it is also used in jewelry.
Hooks can be made from bones, or shell. Sometimes a gorge was used. It was a straight piece of bone, sharp at each end and attached in the middle. center88634 center295552700center6246583Traditional Gorge Hook
Traditional Gorge Hook

traditional fishing methods
It was common for the Maori to return the first fish that was caught to the sea. Tribes also had sites on the shore where the fishermen would place their offerings to Tangaroa.
Nets were made flax fibre and sinkers from stones. Some were big enough to catch sharks. Fishermen tied hooks made from bone, wood or shell onto strong flax lines to catch the fish. They trapped crayfish in woven pots.
11988801677670Fish hooks used by Maori
Fish hooks used by Maori
22440904984248Stone Sinker
Stone Sinker
conservation rules
Maori have strong beliefs about protecting marine resources from pollution.
For example, It is forbidden to gut the fish in the open seas or throw small fish, food or rubbish into the water.