The Stranger Research Paper

Words: 1285
Pages: 6

There are many books and movies that have exposed man's faults as a society. AlbertCamus portrays the theory of existentialism through the life of Meursault in The Stranger. Healso expresses man's fear of the unknown as well as our reluctance to accept the irrationality ofthe universe. Which leads me to believe that he is not as different as they think he is. In the bookMeursault's indifference is apparent to the reader as well as to the other characters who pursue toexclude and punish him using his trial to hide their progress. The reader is able to conclude tosuch ideas because after going over some knowledge of the time and setting of the book, wewould know that if he were in fact normal his case of murdering an Arab would not have anysignificance …show more content…
An example in the book in the history ofthe Arabs we know they were treated inhumanely due to the difference of culture. Another aspect
Fwl5032we would need to look at is religion it is the most popular answer to our existence that is slowlybecoming supported by evidence being discovered all over the world but for right now it is safeto say that to most it is a partial answer that is more of a optional belief that varies with culturebut comes down to being a better person and having faith in an intangible powerful being.The Courtroom could be seen as a symbol of society and the jury is judging on behalf ofthe entire community (SparkNotes) with the appearance of all the minor characters as witnessesand the court attempts to create a logical explanation for Meursault's crime which symbolizesHumanity's need to find the rational explanations for the
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Our differences may currently be a disadvantage socially but it could be an advantagein the future should society change once again and begin accepting those divergent's. Meursaultaccepted the abuse but no one should have to be tried for a part of them being unacceptable andall because we can't understand the contrast between cultural, racial, gender and sexual classes.Albert Camus knew that theses flaws remain but can be fixed if everyone were willing to