The Vietnam War: A Battle In The Cold War

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Pages: 3

The Vietnam War, a Battle in the Cold War
The Vietnam War should rightly be seen as a battle in a world- wide conflict between the United States, and its freedom loving allies, versus the Soviet Union (USSR) and its satellite nations; popularly known as the “Cold War,” which lasted from 1945 to 1989. Vietnam was a political, not a battlefield defeat. Americans won every battle, the casualty ratio was entirely one-sided, and even the 1967 Tet Offensive, heralded by the press as a defeat for the United States, was not (Tilford). It was, in fact, a disaster for the NVA (North Vietnamese Army); The United States reversed every advance in 48 hours. (Lind 21) The archives of that regime, recently published, have revealed how devastated the North was. It was about to surrender had the Congress not decided to withdraw American troops, principally because the draft was killing the elites ‘sons (Johnson 883)
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The basis of the Korean War was that proposition. The Paris Peace Accords among North and South Vietnam and the United States took our country out of the fight, but peace lasted just temporarily because the North Vietnamese violated every part of it. (Johnson 877 and Viet 230) They did not remove their troops or end hostility but continued their vicious assault. America sadly kept its bargain but was up against an evil empire and paper barriers meant nothing. (Vieth