The Vikings Research Paper

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Pages: 6

The Vikings The Vikings were fierce strong warriors and traders of the north that came from Scandinavia. The name Vikings had a meaning in the Old Norse language, which meant pirate. They were also a different group of warriors though, as they traveled across sea, and were a mixed race of individuals with no common ancestry history. What set the Vikings apart from the common Europeans was that they were not Christian, they came from the foreign portion of Europe, and they were not known to society. From A.D. 800 to the 11th century the Vikings began spreading across the world and sea, taking control of the majority of Europe, Britain, Russia and other continents. Believe it or not there are a lot of interesting facts and details about the …show more content…
The term barbarian was mainly referred to the groups that were created back in the medieval times. The word barbarian means “a person without culture, refinement, or education”. (“”). In reality barbarians were not what people made it seem they were. They were united foreigners and did not have a negative meaning for all of them; there were different groups under this category. The topic that I decided to do my research paper on is about the Vikings. Many of us know that once we hear the word Vikings, we picture them with horned helmets, mainly because in every movie that is made they tend to dress them up that way. The name Viking was made up from themselves “in A.D. 793, when a group of them attacked a monastery off the coast of what is now known as “New England”. ("The Vikings Sailed to Conquer." …show more content…
They incorporated the English language, the modern taxing system, and battle-ready military operations and the creation of currency to trade for goods instead of a bartering system. They spoke the language in a different way, which it was known to society as “Old Norse”. This was a distinguished language that they used to separate themselves from other groups; kind of like a secret code and they also had developed their own alphabet. Now, this language is currently not used and has been forgotten for another language. The way they used to help get taxes or invented such thing, was because “they used to attack the European countries causing kings and governments to raise money through taxes to fight them or pay their ransoms.”("What contributions did the Vikings make?” Web.) By doing this taxes came into substantial