They felt that the masculine role would shift accordingly. There were three main concerns that started the anti-suffrage argument. The first concern, was giving woman the right to vote would threaten the family institution. Second, they saw woman’s suffrage as in opposition to God’s will. Third, they didn’t believe that woman could vote, knowing the lack of knowledge woman had. They believed that the government would be weakened by introducing this electrode. Notice that there is a sign above the man head that says, “What is a suffragette without a Suffering Household?” The woman suffrage movement would not only affect men, it would affect he house hold in general. Who is going to cook, clean and take care of the children if mom is working just as hard as dad? This Propaganda Anti-Suffrage image shows why men were scared to give woman the right to vote. They were scared it was going to tear their house hold apart. The two children that the dad is holding in between his legs are expressing that they a confused and wondering where mom is …show more content…
Anti-suffrage Grace Duffield Goodwin gave several reasons for why woman shouldn’t vote. One of her reasons she stated “Because it is our fathers, brothers, husbands and sons who represents us at the ballot box. Our Fathers and our brothers love us; our husbands are our choice, and one with us; our husbands are our choice, and one with us; our sons are what WE MAKE THEM. We are content that they represent us, in the cornfield, on the battlefield and at the ballot box, and we THEM in the schoolroom, at the fireside, and at the cradle, believing our representation even at the ballot box to be thus more full and impartial than it would were the views of the few who wish suffrage adopted, contrary to the judgement of the many. Goodwin, was explaining and believed that woman have their own government. They get the chance to vote by picking their husbands and make sure they instill correct values in their children. Giving woman the right to vote will only subject tier . vote to corrupt forces. If the woman wore the pants, what will the men wear. Good win, believed once the woman get the right to vote it will deprive their woman hood, far as raising the children, giving birth and creating a home. She believed once these roles are compromised, society will