Therapeutic Horseback Riding

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Pages: 12

Therapeutic Horseback Riding and Students with Social Emotional Needs
Alla Anderson
Troy University

This research study examined animal therapy and its effects on individuals with social and emotional needs. Animal therapy has been used to help individuals that struggle with different disabilities and illnesses. Different settings and different animals are used in their practice of therapy. One of the major types of therapy incorporating animals is Therapeutic Horseback Riding, which is the main type reviewed in this paper. Research has proven psychological, health, and social benefits from this type of therapy. Although there are benefits to this practice, some limitations have surfaced due to lack of research
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This is true for individuals that have social and emotional needs in the classroom as well as in the communities. These individuals deal with depression, anxiety, fear, antisocial behavior, and other common negative side effects. It is essential that these symptoms be brought to light. Studies have shown that animals have been used to help these individuals that are struggling with their well-being, and its term is Animal Therapy. According to Willis 1997, animals have always been participants of programs to benefit individuals. The definition of Animal Therapy is the “meeting of an animal into the direct surroundings of an individual, or a group, as an interaction with a purpose of therapeutic outcome” (McCullouch, 1984, p.425). Animal Therapy is used in different forms to help individuals with difficulties in the areas of: health impairment, disability, elderly, life-threatening illnesses, and other impairments. These visitations look different for individuals in different settings and with different impairments. Animals that are used in this therapy process include: dogs, cats, horse, and other calm, safe animals. The specific research that took place for this paper was Animal Therapy using horses dealing with individuals with social and emotional …show more content…
The participants also went through an interview process with the clinicians. According to Corring, Lundberg, & Rudnick, 2013, “An interview took place with each patient to evaluate why they are interested in the horseback riding project and if they have any previous experience with riding the horses. The interview mostly addressed the patients’ experiences with horseback riding and also their experiences with their leisure activities that they have been involved with in the past”