Bass, M. M., Duchowny, C. A., & Llabre, M. M. (2009). The effect of therapeutic horseback riding on social functioning in children with autism. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 39(9), 1261-1267. Bass et al.’s (2009) article examines how therapeutic horseback riding can help children with autism. The authors study specifically studies social functioning improvement through animal assistive therapy, and found that there were significant improvements. The study followed a 12 week program, where 19 children participated in the experimental group and 12 children were in the wait-list group. The specific findings of the study included greater sensory seeking and sensitivity, …show more content…
The study involved a quasi-experimental design on 57 children ages 3-17, with 18 of the children using animal assisted therapy and 39 using traditional methods of pain management. The authors concluded that although some limitations of the study were present, including small sample size, vital signs of the children in the treatment group suggests animal assisted therapies have a significant impact on pain management and relief. This study is interesting and adds a different element to the research topic because it shows how animal assisted therapies can be used across the health care spectrum, including pain …show more content…
Specifically, the authors argue that pet assisted therapy can augment other forms of therapy, so with the complement of using this type of therapy, patients across a wide range of disorders can significantly benefit. The article, unlike others in the review, pays particular attention to the history, origins and evolution of pet assisted therapies, including therapy models, scientific basis of the therapies, which disorders are most complemented, diagnostic and preventative roles of the animals and any potential risks that exist for children, adolescents and teens with mental health and special needs. The systematic review focuses on children and adults in India.
Chitic, V., Rusu, A. S., & Szamoskozi, S. (2012). The Effects of Animal Assisted Therapy on Communication and Social Skills: A Meta-Analysis. Transylvanian Journal of Psychology,