Annotated Bibliography
Nelson, K. L., & Svara, J. H. (2015). The Roles of Local Government Managers in Theory and Practice: A Centennial Perspective. Public Administration Review, 75(1), 49-61. doi:10.1111/puar.12296
Nelson & Svara discusses the evolution in the role of city managers. City managers’ roles were initially to carry out the orders of the city council, but now we find that city manager are more involved in the policy process and more involved in initiatives within the community.
Fallor, E. (2016). D.C.'s $6.3B Six-Year Capital Plan Includes $4.3B Bonds. Bond Buyer, 1(34488), 31.
Under Mayor Muriel Bowser, the 13.4 billion dollar fiscal budget plan for 2017 fiscal year is the first time in which the District of …show more content…
(2016). 3/7 - The role of leadership in city revival. Challenges and hidden growth potential. Integral Leadership Review, 1-7.
Within this article Arzumanyan discusses the role in leadership in which city leaders need to take in order to create transformation within the city. As city leaders there not only needs to be concerned with building financial support from an outside level, but building moral and believe that change can happen on an internal city management level also.
Hoagland, S. R. (2016). Executive Leadership. Executive Leadership -- Research Starters Business, …show more content…
One of the programs in which this article discuses is the new internship program. The new program ensures that youth within the city have great connections between careers and mentors who will ensure they have the necessary tools and resources to reach their full potential.
Wang, X., Van Wart, M., & Lebredo, N. (2014). Sustainability Leadership in a Local Government Context. Public Performance & Management Review, 37(3), 339-364. doi:10.2753/PMR1530-9576370301
Within the article entitled "Sustainability Leadership In A Local Government Context: The Administrator's Role in the Process" by Wang, Van Wart & Leredo; it discusses the role in which public administrators take in enhancing and maintaining their government through sustainability leadership. Sustainability leadership can be defined as the "promotion of an array of practices over time, by a bread array of actors including council members, citizens, state legislators, and others" (Wang, Van Wart & Lebredo, 2014). The research relates to leadership by examining the practices of government in U.S cities and how these practices shape and effect