Annotated Bibliography

Words: 1719
Pages: 7

Annotated Biography
Submitted by: Chee-Meng Lee

Balswick, Jack O., and Judith K. Balswick. “The Dilemma of Modern Marriage” in A Model for Marriage: Covenant, Grace, Empowerment and Intimacy, 1-25. Downers Grove, IL: IVP Academic, 2006.
Chapter one of this book, lay the groundwork to understanding the rest of the book. The authors gave a good picture of the dilemma faced by our society, even in the Christian community, about modern marriage that is getting harder to solve. Originally, God intended that marriage is between a man and a woman, and they should become one. Solving this modern day marriage dilemma will help couples to say happily together, rather than to end in divorce. In this chapter, the authors provided original studies and statistics that led to the marriage dilemma. In particular interest in this chapter is where the authors list is a comparative summary of traditional and postmodern marital ethics. This tabulated summary will be very useful for a Christian marriage counselor to understand the views presented such as in the traditional, biblical and modern marriage models. This book is a must for all Christian counselor to keep as a reference to understanding the root of the dilemma face by today’s modern marriages.

VanGoethem, Jeff. “Pastoral Counseling
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This article brought out the other side of counseling. Although we have many great marriage counseling resources available to us if we needed to consult with, but this one, written by one who actually benefited from marriage counseling. In this four-page article, Van Zantee talks about how God showed her what true love looks like after accepted to go deeper into Scriptures. Her final breakthrough was when she started accepting her husband as who he is and allow God to do the rest. This is a great article and it is highly recommended for Christian couples who are going through