What was great about the titanic was the plot. James Cameron did a great job making a romance out of a tragedy, and made it create conflict in the plot. The romance between Rose and Jack is unique because instead of the rich white man falling in love with the poor woman the roles are flipped. By changing the plot and making Jack the poor one and Rose the wealthy one made the movie more interesting, by giving it more conflict. The reason for this is because Rose had much less power over her life being that it was the early 1900’s, than a wealthy Rich man would have had. Women were not treated as well as men used to be treated, nor was it common in that time for women of high class to do any sort of labor, so if a women was not left with a lot of money, then in order to stay apart of high class and society, she would have to marry a rich man. Secondly Rose was gorgeous, which also added conflict to the plot. Since usually rich men get all that they want, and they especially want gorgeous women, and then if they can’t get the girl by showing off their money, then they would have to manipulate them. In this plot the ways men lure women like how Rose was lured, was through her mother Ruth. Rose’s mother was a great example of how Rose’s beauty added to more conflict in the plot. In the plot Rose's mother was afraid to lose her riches and high status, which was how she lived her whole life. Now that Ruth and Rose were going to be poor due to Ruth’s husband dying and leaving them with piles of debt. Ruth began to see Rose’s beauty as their way to salvation. Later Rose's mother found her a wealth man, who becomes Rose’s fiance Cal. Cal is a selfish, cocky and rude man, who Rose doesn’t want to spend the rest of her life with. Social status is also a big part of conflict. Since Rose has a lot of money, her life is controlled by the rules that the high class follow. She must attend dinners that always have the same gossip and boring conversations. She must only talk to certain people and must also be elegant. So it may sound nice to some people but for Rose she just wants to be free. Life goes by slowly because of the same rich person routines. In the plot Jack is not just the man that Rose falls in love with, but he also helps her be free. Jack teaches Rose how to truly live and enjoy life. Although Jack doesn’t