To Kill A Mockingbird Book Report

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In the book “To kill a mockingbird” by harper lee a big topic in the book is that the actions of some of the characters may and very much reflects off on the way they were raised. In this book the way some of the ways the parental figures raise their kids is agreeable but then there is others that are not at all right, and completely wrong. There is one thing you have to remember while reading this is, this is actually how kids were raised at that time in history they’re world revolves around conspiracy and racism that is put into their brain by their parents and that’s what they were taught to believe. You might be still saying i would never teach my children racism but if you were raising children at this time you would most likely follow …show more content…
You see Tom was a scrawny black man he was not strong, Mayella could probably kick the living crap out of him if he did touch her. When he is shot he was trying to jump a fence and they even say if he had two good arms he could of made it. "The guards called him to stop. They fired a few shots in the air, then to kill. They got him just as he went over the fence. They said if he had two good arms he would have made it, he was moving that fast.We had such a good chance.I guess Tom was tired of white men's chances and preferred to take his own" (pg. 248) See you think this would change everyone's thinking but they seen it as he was running because he was guilty when he wasn’t guilty he was running because he knew the people of Maycomb would always have racism in their minds and never just consider he wasn’t guilty. “To Maycomb, tom's death was typical. Typical of a nigger to cut and run. Typical of a niggers mentality to have no plan, no thought for future, just run blind first chance he saw.”(pg. 244) In this quote the people of Maycomb clearly just don’t give a shit about his death as he’s just another “Nigger” like no big deal, it’s screwed up and