Tom Robinson Stereotypes

Words: 461
Pages: 2

Maycomb County, Alabama was a secluded town where gender stereotypes were made prominent because of the behavioral status of all individuals. Women were held to a lower standard, which created an agenda with specific regulations to reveal the appropriate way they should have live. Men were expected to protect women while maintaining their masculinity by working, serving on jury and dealing with any confrontation. However, Scout Finch has grown up deflecting those rules, which contradicted the way she was viewed and ultimately guided the path to breaking down gender barriers.
Dresses, politeness and purposely acting unaware seemingly construed the main focus when attempting to be accepted into society as a woman in Maycomb. “Ladies bathed before
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“And so they went, down the row of laughing women, around the dining room, refilling coffee cups, dishing out goodies as their only regret was the temporary domestic disaster of losing Calpurnia.”(317). People of color were generally avoided and laughed upon during these times so it would’ve been rare for white women to be concerned about the situation because black men were hardly above them in terms of social scaling. “After all, if Aunty could be a lady at a time like this, so could I”(318) Scout thought. The significance of the entire situation is that women had to follow the rules implied and remain narrow minded while men could supposedly handle what was going on.
Scout has been led to believe that dressing up in the proper girl attire was the only pathway to success and multiple friends of the Finch’s endorsed the stereotype, resulting in the continuation of her individuality. “What are you doing in those overalls? You should be in a dress and camisole, young lady! You’ll grow up waiting on tables if someone doesn’t change your ways.” Ms. Dubose yelled as Scout and Jem attempted to walk by. Aunt Alexandra and Mrs. Maudie also have commented on Scout's wardrobe, trying to get her to realize that she would only gain respect from the town when the guidelines were