Tom Robinson Trial

Words: 560
Pages: 3

Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Madyson Miller, and I am honored to stand before you as the representative of Maycomb County in my capacity as an attorney for this important case. As this trial unfolds, we are challenged with the unsettling truth that Mayella Ewell, under the promise before the honorable judge, chose to falsely bitterly accuse Tom Robinson of a crime he did not commit. The reason behind her untruthful pieces of evidence was from a place of fear and torture, as she was well aware of the violent outcomes of her father, Bob Ewell, who would lay upon her if she dared to speak the truth. Therefore, driven by the cruel reality of her situation, Mayella resorted to false evidence to protect herself from harm, hiding behind a dishonest veil to shield herself from her father's …show more content…
Poor in the most basic forms of affection, friendship, and support, she was trapped in a cycle of denial and quietness, with no direction to get out or a helping hand. Bob Ewell's toxic influence has cast a long shadow over Mayella's life, leaving her defenseless and unprotected from his tyranny. In light of the bad news that has come to light during this trial, I am confident that upon reflecting on the convincing evidence presented, you will arrive at a just guilty verdict for Mayella Ewell's perjury. Members of the jury from Maycomb County were presented with compelling evidence concerning the case involving Mayella, who was suspected of lying under the word of honor. She claimed that Tom Robinson had assaulted her, while there was a non-appearance of any physical injuries to her body that could be held responsible for him (Lee200). Testimony from Tom's employer, Mr. Link Deas, supported Tom's clean hands by confirming his cover at work (Lee