Tomb Of The Unknown Soldier Research Paper

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Pages: 4

In World War 1 millions of soldiers were killed throughout the world many Americans were brought home from battlefields of Europe but many didn’t return because remains couldn’t be identified. Determined by the allies the unknown soldiers should be honored as a symbol of all brave soldiers who died during war time (Ashabranner 51). Americans decided to chose American Unknown to be buried in Arlington from World War 1. Since most American fighting took place in France and Europe there were 4 American military Cemeteries in France (Ashabranner 51). Four coffins chosen (1 from each of those 4 cemeteries) from there one would be chosen for the one unknown from World War 1 (Ashabranner 51). October 26,1921 coffins holding unknown soldiers from …show more content…
The Tomb of the Unknown is guarded twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, and 365 days a year (Ashabranner 68). The Third Infantry is important because it’s only infantry unit that is allowed to march with bayonets on rifles. Have rmp duties like providing protection for nation's capital during national emergencies, also providing escorts for presidents. They are responsible for conducting all military funerals in Arlington National Cemetery. Most important honor given to the Third Infantry is guarding the Tomb of Unknown soldiers (Ashabranner 68-69).Each guad i volunteer but applies for a Tomb of Unknown for a tomb of Unknown guard position. Any applicant must go through rigorous physical training as well as testing over Arlington Cemetery information. The person must be at least six feet tall, trim weight, have a perfect military record and no police record. For six months they live learning to be a guard, learn to handle a rifle, uniform, posture, arm swing, heel clicks, timing, and walking time limit. Most guard can only 188 months of this. Too much pressure to be perfect but it’s an honor to guard those who died for our country. The procedure never changes at the Tomb of Unknown guard takes 21 steps on 63 foot runner in front of Tomb of Unknown passes for 21 seconds and repeats the routine. The 21 seconds pause/21 steps is representing the 21 gun salute. The audience must remain standing and quiet. The times of changing the guard varies at different times of the year. Every hour in the fall and winter. But in the spring and summer it is every half an hour (In Honored Glory 76). Third Infantry was/in combat unit so no women had been allowed to enter the elite honor guard before this. In 1944 the Secretary in the Army ruled that women could serve in the 25 member squad. Sergeant Heather Lynn Johnsen became the first women to guard Tomb of Unknown