Toxic Metabolic Encephalopathy Case Study

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Pages: 4

Toxic Metabolic Encephalopathy

Toxic metabolic encephalopathy (TME) is a type of brain disorder caused by a change in brain chemistry. This condition may result from illnesses or conditions that cause an imbalance of fluid, minerals (electrolytes), and other substances in the body that affect the way the brain functions. It is not caused by brain damage or brain disease.
TME can cause confusion and other mental disturbances, which are generally referred to as delirium. Untreated delirium may lead to permanent mental changes or worsening medical conditions. Untreated delirium is a life-threatening condition that may need to be treated in the hospital.

Possible causes of TME that can lead to delirium include:
• Short-term (acute)
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• Changes in speech, such as saying things that do not make sense.
• Memory loss.
• Irritability.
• Avoiding other people (withdrawal).
• Depression.
• Poor judgment.
• Changes in eating and sleeping patterns.
• Hyperactivity.
• Decreased alertness.
• Paranoia.
Delirium may come and go. Symptoms of delirium may start suddenly or gradually, and they often get worse at night.

This condition is diagnosed based on:
• Your symptoms and behavior.
• An exam to check your mental state (mental status exam). To diagnose delirium, the mental status exam must rule out other possible causes of TME, and must show:
○ Changes in attention and awareness.
○ Changes that develop over a short period of time and tend to come and go (fluctuate).
○ Changes in memory, language, and thinking that were not present before.
• A physical exam.
• Imaging tests, such as:
○ MRI.
○ CT scan.
• Blood tests to:
○ Measure liver and kidney function.
○ Check for a lack (deficiency) of vitamin B.
○ Check for changes in acid levels (pH), calcium, sodium, or magnesium levels in the blood.
○ Measure your blood glucose.
○ Measure your blood oxygen level.