Transfer To Adult Court

Words: 565
Pages: 3

Transfer to Adult Court
In this paper I will discuss how a juvenile is transferred to adult court and the characteristics of how it works, as well as, discussing which theory best explains how to overcome the challenges that come with the transfer of juveniles to adult court.
If you are going to transfer a juvenile to adult court there are a number of aspects to take into account while making the decision of transferring. You have to take into account the fact that the juvenile’s development could be hindered if they are put into adult court because they would be put into adult jail systems. One of the characteristics of transferring is if the “offense is too harsh for the juvenile court and the demand for proportional punishment has trumped individualized rehabilitation given in the
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Working for Youth Justice and Safety: Juvenile Justice.)
There are three different ways in which a juvenile case may be transferred to adult court they are, waiver offense, statutory exclusion, and concurrent jurisdiction. With the waiver offense, “it occurs when a juvenile court judge transfers a case from juvenile to adult court in order to deny the juvenile the protections that juvenile jurisdictions provide. Usually, the offense allegedly committed must be particularly egregious in order for the case to be waived judicially, or there must be a long history of offenses.”(Retrieved, from So in other words, if the crime is an extreme case such as murder or if the juvenile is constantly getting into trouble then the courts can