{For those who are old enough and have driving skills, this work will be very attractive|If you have a valid driving license and a little bit of experience, the truck driver job should be welcome|People who have truck driving experience and like to drive should like this job}. {You get paid handsomely if you drive a truck and deliver the goods|You can undertake the delivery of goods over a reasonably long distance for payment|If you are willing to deliver goods to long off places you will get good money}. {Of course the haul may be long and last a couple of days in certain cases|The longer the distance, the more will be the pay normally|One can expect to get more money if they …show more content…
{If you have good command over the language, you could enroll in some of the online sites that pay money for writing articles|Many online sites pay good money for writing articles for their clients|You can find sites that will pay money if you deliver the articles they need}. {This is lucrative but you might need access to computer since paying by the hour in cafes is quite expensive|One will be able to make money this way, but working from an internet cafe will drain your money|One needs to have one’s own computer since the money you make will barely pay for the cafe …show more content…
{A work mentor will help you more than anything in the world|Having a mentor is more precious to the jobber than any wealth in the world|Once you have a mentor, half your jobbing worries fly away}. {You will have to find someone who is highly placed, has good knowledge of the market and workplace and is ready to give advice|Your mentor must be an experienced person who has clout and knows the world and at the same time wants to share his wisdom with you|Find an experienced person who has good knowledge and skill in work and likes sharing knowledge}. {You only have to look in the restaurants and cafes in your locality|The best place to search will be pubs and restaurants near your house|One may begin searching for the mentor in public places like tea