Many woman mistakenly felt that to work as successfully at a job as men did, they must appear to be masculine or, at least, un-feminine. The corseted woman of the previous decade, with her hobble skirts and huge hats, looked as if she came from another world when compared to the ‘modern’ woman of the 1920’s. Still compared to today the twenties were a kind of in between period for fashion. Fashionable 1920’s female body evolved from the elaborately trimmed dress with its high waist position and ankle length skirt at the beginning, to the simple, hardly decorated, shapeless tube with a hip level waistline and a skirt barely covering the knees at the end of the decade.
For ten years woman hid the attributes given to them by nature: breasts, sloping shoulders, small waists, and flowing hair with a major change in fashion during those years. The women’s independence movement of the 1920’s resulted in a dramatic change in dress as shown by the desire to look youthful, boyish, flat-chested, and at the same time want her independence and freedom. To assert their new-found freedom, woman’s skirts rose way up to their knees,
and their hair was cut short into a kind of boyish bob style. Woman shamelessly smoked and drank in public and went against the strict
Social status that the early 1900’s brought. The waistline of the dresses