For years Aiden concealed the truth about not only Miriam’s role in the Campbell household, but also the identity of Lucius. As the trial comes to an end and all of the evidence is pieced together, the truth about the crime is finally revealed: “Aiden Campbell shot to his feet, but he found no words to deny what was written on his face… He murdered the midwife…and he attempted to murder the mother…but above all Lucius himself…had fallen in love with his…own…mother”(Perry 342). Campbell’s lies and terrible actions not only caused him to be arrested, but caused two people who were planning be married to reevaluate their entire relationship and changed the dynamics of Lucius and his family’s relationship. For the entirety of Lucius’ life, the circumstances surrounding his family had been a lie all because of Campbell’s dishonesty in the past. While the Stourbridge’s knew when Aiden brought them a baby it was not theirs, they did not know for sure that the child was in fact Aiden’s or the circumstances around which he fathered the child. As this realization comes to everyone in the court room Miriam says, “I know now that she knew it was Aiden’s child, but not about me or how he was concerned. She must have asked Aiden about it—and although he loved her, he could not afford to let her know the truth” (Perry 345). Aiden’s lie had been compounding on itself for so long that more people than he could have ever imagined had now been affected by it. The discovery of the truth of his horrible acts and lies now forced him to have to respond to thirty years worth of unanswered