US 1900: Home Life During The American Revolution

Words: 673
Pages: 3

Parker Devlin
Grade 10
US 1900: Written Assignment
American Revolution: Home Life
For my research project I chose the home life during the American Revolution. The life of a citizen was very difficult during the war in 1765. Many people lost their lives due to the harsh conditions and intense environments. There were many poor people, as well as average living people. Man y of the poor citizens would often die at a young age because of the environments they lived in.
The average life expectancy of a citizen who lived in one of the thirteen colonies was in there thirties. An average person would work about 80 hours a week to supply for his/hers family. Some of the most common types of jobs were shoemakers, printer, blacksmith, and farming. A farmer who sold their crops would make up to three earnings a week. Male children would join the army at sixteen, but a lot of children of age seven would join as drummers or message carriers (Ducksters, 2014).
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The less fortunate people would often live in one room homes with only one floor, and the wealthier people tended to live in two story houses, with two bedrooms down stairs and four bed rooms on the second level (Ducksters, 2014). The wealthier people also had a fire place and kitchen in different houses to prevent fires, while the less fortunate didn’t (Ducksters, 2014). Since it was 1765, electricity didn’t exist, so people got light from candles and fire places. If people had to use the restroom they’d have to go outside and use the bathroom outside. Bathrooms consisted of holes dug up in the