Underage Drinking Research Paper

Words: 646
Pages: 3


Faith Duberow
Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Duberow
How to Get Ungrounded
19 November 2017
The Effects of Underage Drinking By the time kids reach the eighth grade, almost 50 percent of them have had at least one drink, and over 20 percent said they had been drunk before. Approximately 20 percent of 8th graders and nearly 50 percent of 12th graders have drank alcohol within the past 30 days. A survey done on 12th graders shows that almost 30 percent report drinking on 3 or more occasions per month. About 30 percent of 12th graders engage in binge drinking within the past 2 weeks. Binge drinking is commonly described as having at least five or more drinks on one occasion, and it is estimated that 20 percent do so on more than one occasion.
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Even though drugs are very bad, underage alcohol use is more likely to kill young people than all illegal drugs combined. Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among youth ages 15 to 20. Adolescents already are at increased risk through their relative lack of driving experience, and drivers younger than 21 are more susceptible than older drivers to the alcohol–induced impaired driving skills. In one study, 37 percent of eighth grade females who drank heavily reported attempting suicide, compared with 11 percent who did not drink. Rape and sexual assault is also likely to happen when underage drinking is involved. With cases like these, alcohol was usually drank by the offender, victim or both. Being blackout drunk could cause one to do something they normally would not do. This could include sex and much more, which could lead to STIs. Dating violence also occurs much more frequently among underage drinkers than nondrinkers. Those who drank heavily and frequently were much more likely to have been hit or slapped by a boyfriend or girlfriend and to have been forced to have sex. More than 70,000 students between ages 18 and 24 are victims of alcohol-related sexual assaults. Alcohol is often a factor for both assailants and victims in these assaults. Since many sexual assaults are never reported, the actual rates of alcohol-related attacks may be much