Underground Railroad Research Paper

Words: 1822
Pages: 8

Abraham Lincoln once said, “Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it not for themselves.” This quote correlates to the Underground Railroad because the slaves had to escape the South in hopes of gaining freedom in the North. This movement has had an effect on the United States as a whole. The slaves are living in the South and fleeing to the North. The Underground Railroad has caused commotion within many communities. Slaves are escaping the South to try and uncover an adequate life in the North. Overall, the Underground Railroad is becoming a bright side of our country’s history, bold leaders are carrying out this treacherous task, the struggles people encounter on both sides of this controversy are forever remembered, and their lasting effects will continue to impact our …show more content…
We are expanding west and we are becoming stronger every day. The Underground Railroad will continue to impact the United States forever. The impact the Underground Railroad has had on the United States so far is amazing. We are seeing freed slaves starting to come North and they are able to live better lives. The Underground Railroad is great because, according to the Essential Civil War Curriculum, it “...[gives] many African Americans their first experience in politics and organizational management.” This shows that black people are able to learn how to organize together. In the future, this country will be made up of all different races and ethnicities that work together to make the future an even better place than it already is. The Underground Railroad has had great impacts on slave’s lives because they are able to live freely in the North. According to Pathways to Freedom, “The work of the Underground Railroad [has] resulted in freedom for many men, women, and children. It also [helps abolish] the institution of slavery...” This proves that the Underground Railroad has had a fantastic impact on the United States.