Centre Name: The Leadership Centre, Leeds Metropolitan University.
Learner Registration No: ST28935465
Learner Name: Steven Bishop
Understanding leadership styles.
Tasks should be built around John Adair’s Action Centred Leadership Model 1960 (ACLM).
‘Adair’s ACLM is a ‘Functional Leadership Model’, functional theories of leadership are developed by studying successful leaders and identifying the actions and behaviours they show. There are 3 interlocking circles, which represent Task, Team and Individual. These demonstrate the essential need for the leader to ALWAYS consider ALL the areas before taking action.’ Once the task is defined, it is then easier for the manager to decide which leadership style to adopt. He can develop individuals within the team and then achieve set goals.
There are several factors with the potential to affect my choice of leadership style in workplace situations. Having completed the initial stages of the course, I believe I identify most closely with the participative style, with elements of the Autocratic style, dependent on the task in hand, for example, when I have been given a short deadline or in an emergency.
The first factor is the task. A manager must be certain that all team members share a common goal. Once clarified, it is the manager’s job to guide the team towards accomplishing goals and completion of the task.
Another influential factor is time. Time can be a Manager’s friend but also his enemy. If a deadline is looming, then an Autocratic style helps everyone focus on achieving the main objective. The working environment often influences my leadership style. I lead a team varied in age and approach and it has been important to identify the needs of the team as individuals and adjust my leadership style accordingly to create cohesion. Concentrating on the individual instead of generalising creates unity and has paid dividends.
The external environment is an obvious influence for me. Factors include competition, legislation, change to regulations. Health and Safety Regulations are a prime example, with a deadline fast approaching, I still need to adhere to regulations to make sure the deadline is met safely. Flexibility and willingness to make changes is key for a manager in the workplace.
The participative management style empowers employees and can have a dramatic effect towards reducing employee turnover. Having your opinion heard creates a positive environment where everybody can feel involved. By contrast, this style can sometimes become a negative attribute. In an emergency or task with a tight deadline, procrastination can lead to the team and the leader failing to achieve the required standard.
The autocratic style can have a positive effect on the workplace. For example, when the team have been given a task such as those described previously. Instruction rather than discussion can enable a tighter focus, resulting in success. There are occasions where the final result is paramount and an effective leader will recognise this.
This style of management can produce a negative effect if not carefully applied. Wherever possible, team members should be encouraged to have their say regarding aspects of a task or an objective.
Without this opportunity, individuals might have just cause to feel undervalued and even demoralised. The best ideas can come from anywhere in the team, according to the specialist knowledge or the interests of those within it.
As the leader of my team, it is crucial to spend time getting to know each individual. Knowledge of their respective strengths and weaknesses enables me to select and utilise the most appropriate approach towards the management of a given situation.
Understand leadership qualities and review own leadership qualities and potential.
Completion of the Leadership questionnaire revealed that I identified very strongly with the Participative style.