1. In her book “Unequal Childhoods: Class, Race, and Family Life”, Annette Lareau works on delivering a perception that class is more important than race in children’s lives. In another word, the black middle-class kids have more in common with the white middle-class children than they do with the black working class from the perspective of raising methods and interactions with teachers at school. Thus, do you support Lareau with her Hypothesis? Does that mean the class diversity in term of race would have the potential of solving racism in America especially within the new generations and between the youth? What could be an example where race has a bigger effect than the class on kids in everyday life?
2. Marriage …show more content…
In her research Kussorow’s majority of interviewed were mothers but not fathers. In fact, the majority of the teachers were females too. The questions that I thought of raise are what about the same sex marriage family kids especially with two fathers. Does that change anything in child rearing process or it is strictly dependent on social class? Will there be any differences in dealing with parents regarding their children if the teachers were males or social class of parents is the dominant?
5. In the article “Class Differences in Child-rearing are on the Rise” Miller states that “Children grow up learning the skills to succeed in their socioeconomic stratum, but not necessarily others.” This sentence actually caught my attention. Please read the article and let us know does Millers claim have some truth in it? How important is it to raise the kids to survive in every economical situation? Do parents even know where their kids will end up (lower or higher socioeconomic class compared to them)? Most importantly, how are the learning skills should be balanced in order to guaranty the survival and success of kids not only one of the …show more content…
Lindsey Cool in her article “For Richer, Not Poorer: Marriage and the Growing Class Divide” seems to be in aligning with “knot yet the benefits and costs of delayed marriage in America” report. She states “household income has grown 174 percent for the richest 1 percent of Americans in recent decades but has only grown 16 percent for the poorest, according to the Congressional Budget Office. Researchers estimate that between one-fifth and two-fifths of the growth in family income inequality is due to a difference in marriage patterns between Americans of higher and lower socioeconomic status”. I consider inequality and the wealth distribution is a source of many problems in America; thus, what is the role of income inequality and inequality in wages between male and females in the process of forming a family and child